
Amigurumi Patterns and Playthings

>I know you are, but what am I? Amigurumi!


You know how when you’re a kid you watch movies or TV shows and you think they’re so great and funny and cool, and then you remember them when you’re an adult and go back to watch them, and you can’t believe you were so into it when you were young and had a completely different sense of humor? Well, watching Pee-Wee’s Playhouse totally does not apply.
A few years ago we ordered the complete series on DVD and I swear, they never get old. I have three little boys that LOVE watching right along with me. What is it about that show? It was so fun, with smart writing and totally off-the-wall plotlines, Tim Burton-esque special effects, and the star of it all was pretty dynamic. Who didn’t want a Picture-phone or a mousehole full of tiny dinosaurs? Even when Randy showed up or a salesman came knocking, it was still the coolest place on Saturday morning. Who else LOVES Pee-Wee??

I made a lil Pee-Wee doll, and luckily I wrote down a pattern as I went because now you can make one yourself with a little bit of crochet know-how. That gray jacket he’s sporting unbuttons and comes off, but unfortunately that is NOT a boomerang bow-tie. It’s permanently affixed to Pee-Wee’s neck. His sweet white shoes will look great while he’s doing the “Tequila” dance, however, so get him to a biker bar ASAP!
(and please click on those links to see some great moments with Pee-Wee!)
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>I’m With Coco Giveaway!


The super cool people (Lauren and Mike Mitchell) at I’m With Coco! on Facebook (and everywhere else!) have set up a great fan page for Conan O’Brien.  Duh.  You’ve heard of it and you are probably all fans, right?  Well I recently made a lil’ Coco for them and shipped him away, soon to be given away to one lucky Coco-nut on their facebook page.  They’ll have all the details, so if you aren’t already a fan, go ahead, become a fan already!  Watch for it coming up very soon.  Conan’s birthday is the 18th–think that might have something to do with it?  I do! Happy Birthday, great pale one!  And if you don’t have cable, get it.  TBS.  It will soon be on your favorites list.

If you want to make your own Conan, there’s always the pattern—available in my etsy shop!

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