
Amigurumi Patterns and Playthings

One off my (Charlie) Bucket List!

on November 14, 2011

You all know by now that I’m obsessed with making dolls of famous people and then giving them to said famous people, right? That is the biggest thrill to me! Well, when I made characters from Willy Wonka I never really thought about giving those dolls to the real people from the movie, until this weekend!

There are some movies that I’ve watched since I was really little that I can pretty much recite line by line. The old Rankin-Bass “Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer“, “Pee-wee’s Big Adventure“, and “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory” are three that come to mind. Willy Wonka is just one of my favorite things. I’ve made amigurumi Oompa Loompas, a blueberry Violet Beauregarde, and most recently Willy Wonka for Inside Crochet magazine. The others are sketched out in my notebook but have yet to be realized in yarn (all of which I’ve already purchased)!

I heard about the Austin Comic-Con last Friday. When I googled it, the first thing I read was that the Wonka kids were going to be there, along with the guy that played Chewbacca, Peter Mayhew, and Jake Lloyd, who played little Anakin in Star Wars. I knew the whole family had to go!

On my way out the door, I grabbed a handful of business cards and the Oompa Loompa and Violet Beauregarde I had made. I was so sad I didn’t have a Charlie Bucket, Mike Teevee, and Veruca Salt!

As soon as we entered the Convention center, the first tables we walked past were the Wonka kids! We walked right up (why wasn’t there a line?!) and I told Paris Themmen (Mike) that I had brought gifts. I handed the dolls to him and he laughed out loud and thought they were really cute. In turn, he signed a picture for me and he and Peter Ostrum (Charlie) took a picture with my Oompa Loompa.

Julie Dawn Cole (Veruca) was at the next table. She was really interested in the dolls and told me she was a “ferocious knitter.” I told her she needed to learn to crochet too! She posed for photos and took a little video with the dolls. Ignore all my nervous giddy laughter and excitement!

Denise Nickerson (Violet) wasn’t there when we first got to the show so I went by later. She told me she just loved the dolls and had gotten so many compliments on them. I blabbed on and on about how we all love the movies so much and how I loved her in the Brady Bunch (she had a part as Pamela, the daughter of one of Mike’s work associates–I’ll get into my Brady Bunch obsession another time).

These were some of the sweetest people! All of them were so nice and answered all of my dumb questions, posed for pictures, and were so genuine. Hooray for spreading the Amigurumi Love!

10 responses to “One off my (Charlie) Bucket List!

  1. Anonymous says:

    I had no idea she was PAMELA TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Boy that girl can dance….hahahaha.

  2. Cora says:

    That is awesome! Love it! Will you be working on the patterns now? *hint, hint*

  3. Alison says:

    Love this post! Read it to my kids…we are all huge WW fans here. And thanks for making the connection between Violet & Pamela. Never knew that!

  4. Thanks everyone! Cora, I want to so bad!
    Alison (beautiful name ;)) isn't that funny? I NEED to do Brady amigurumi…its a no-brainer.

  5. Lee Ann says:

    Sounds like you had a great time at the Austin Comic-Con. I wish I could have been there! I love your amigurumi dolls which are fashioned after the Wonka kids. That was a neat idea! 🙂 🙂
    Lee Ann

    My new blog: Crochetgottaloveit
    My website: Crochet…Gotta Love It!

  6. Micro G says:

    Your Oompa Loompa is instantly recognisable, so many amigurumi and mochi mochi figures aren't. Crafty is Cool is a guilty pleasure of mine and a delight to read. Thanks Allison.

  7. Anonymous says:

    i love to crochet frogs. i have had a 'thing' for them since i was a child. my email is

  8. wonderful– i love all of them! and willy wonka has long been one of my favorite childhood (and still as an adult) films. will you be releasing the patterns in your shop?

  9. wonderful– i love all of them! and willy wonka has long been one of my favorite childhood (and still as an adult) films. will you be releasing the patterns in your shop?

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