
Amigurumi Patterns and Playthings

Book Review and Giveaway! Crocheted Softies!

on December 13, 2011

** Thanks for all the entries! Out of 123 comments, the winner was #51, CuCuCreates, who wants to crochet a crocodile! I bet it will be awesome! Thanks for playing!

I’m sure I’m like most people that crochet. When I started, it was all about gifts. I gave away pretty much everything I made, either to my kids or other people’s kids. I loved finding cute patterns for stuffed toys that  made great gifts. Gifts for kids, particularly stuffed animals, are so fun to make and usually take a lot less yarn and time than bigger projects (like afghans or sweaters!).

Win this! Keep Reading!

In Stacey Trock’s new book, Crocheted Softies, you will find patterns for 18 adorable animals from around the world! These aren’t just the typical teddy bears and bunnies, but awesome patterns with texture and detail that kids will love on for years. She starts off the book with a thorough introduction to crochet. You’ll learn all the basics, plus special stitches Stacey uses for adding character to her crochet designs. I especially love the details she gave regarding making the toys child-safe (like crocheted eyes), and her diagrams for assembly are some of the best I’ve seen (and I’ve read LOTS of crochet books!).

She starts off with a basic animal shape, then elaborates with different animal patterns (her elephant is especially adorable) and goes all the way around the globe (continent by continent!) and then into outer space! Check out her hilarious alien! What little boy wouldn’t think that was totally cool?

Zork the Alien! from Crocheted Softies
Another thing about the book that is really cool is just the way Stacey crochets. See how her creations have little ridges all around? That’s because she crochets into the back loop of all of her stitches. Her book says that it helps hide stuffing. By doing it this way she can crochet with a larger hook, and I’m guessing it makes her toys larger in the end too. Interesting! I like the texture it gives to her toys!
My absolute favorite pattern in the book is Salty the Crocodile! It reminds me so much of a vintage handmade crocodile toy a friend had. All those nubby crocheted bobbles in rows on his back and those cartoonish eyes just bring this little guy to life. Love him!
Salty the Crocodile from Crocheted Softies

Stacey has done a great job using natural fibers throughout this book. You’ll be inspired to try out new textures and materials when you’re crocheting, I’ll bet. 
So now that you are all clamoring to get this book, who wants to win an autographed copy? I’m going to give away one copy of the book, which Stacey has signed, to one lucky winner. This would make a fantastic gift to anyone, since the projects are a great introduction to crocheting! 
All you have to do to enter is to comment with an animal you’d love to crochet! Make sure you also leave your email address so I can contact you if you win. I’ll pick a random entry this THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15th, around 5 pm central time, and ship the book asap so you can wrap it up or keep it for yourself! (But you better get some yarn because you’ll want to make one of these cuties for the holidays!)

EDIT: Here’s a list of animals inside!

126 responses to “Book Review and Giveaway! Crocheted Softies!

  1. Loren says:

    I would love to make the Ork alien!!! Its so super cute!!

  2. Cindyusa says:

    I would love to win this. I think grandson would love it more since he will get the stuff. LOL

  3. Beth says:

    Oh my, that moose is hilarious! I would love to crochet him!

  4. Ashley says:

    I love the giraffe, so cute! I am so interested in trying back loop only for animals/amigurumi now. Never thought about it, but it makes perfect sense. Thanks for the review and giveaway!

    madaleysah at gmail dot com

  5. Make sure you leave an email address! 😀

  6. Anonymous says:

    Ohh the Moose, it's so Canadian eh!! sending the randomizer super pick me powers please!! Rebecca

  7. Anonymous says:

    My favorite is the Alien. Love the toys.

  8. Valerie says:

    I would love to crochet the crocodile but around here it would have to be an alligator for my kids school they are the Austin Alligators!

  9. Anonymous says:

    This looks like a great book. Is there a gorilla in there? My daughter is begging me for a baby gorilla. I really like the fish, he would be a perfect gift for a friend.

  10. Lu says:

    Not an animal but I'd like to make that little alien 🙂

  11. I love Stacey's work and would love to win this!

    I would love to crochet her alien. Otherwise, an angler fish is high on my list, due to the tastes of a certain son of mine 😉


  12. merlinthecat says:

    Ohh so cute! I'd have to make the alien from my friends son!

    merlinthecat at gmail dot com

  13. Saskia says:

    Like many others I think the alien is SO adorable!
    If I don't win it, I'll put the book on my wishlist.


  14. Anonymous says:

    I love the little crab 🙂 I think I would make one in blue because I met and married my husband in Maryland, home of the blue crabs 😀

  15. airika121 says:

    I love the giraffe from the cover! But if I were to pick any animal, I'd have to pick a tiger. Thanks 🙂

  16. Alison says:

    I'm leaning toward the sea critters…the elephant seal is pretty adorable. But that Jelly Fish! Love it 🙂

  17. I would love to win this book and learn how to make the adorable moose!

  18. I have a nephew that would love the giraffe! Thanks!

  19. Allyson says:

    You totally sold me on the crocodile! SO cute!

  20. Jane says:

    Ooh, I would love to crochet an orangutan!

  21. Jazz says:

    Thanks for the giveaway and the complete review!! I hope I can make some of these softies.

  22. Kimi says:

    Oh gosh, my boys would love that alien! I myself would like to make the giraffe for our baby on the way. Thanks for the chance to win!! Me: kimi.weldon at gmail dot com. 🙂

  23. Anonymous says:

    I'd love to win this and make the giraffe, sooo cute!! Thanks!

  24. Vera says:

    If i don't win the giveaway, hehe, I hope this book is available locally! vera(@)

  25. Anonymous says:

    My little boy (he is 3) loves crabs, so I know which pattern I'd go for first!

  26. Kelly says:

    Ooooh – I would love to win & learn how to make the walrus!

    me = meow.monkey at gmail dot com 🙂

  27. Anonymous says:

    I would love to make the fish and the jellyfish first! Rebecca

    rebeccamwhite12 at gmail dot com

  28. OH!! I would love to make the panda and then the walrus!!

  29. Anonymous says:

    I would love to make the giraffe for my nephew. He'd love it!
    gerberca at comcast dot net

  30. Becky says:

    I'd have to try my hand at the jellyfish given our ocean themed nursery and my daughters love to pull on things. 🙂

  31. Oh man. I really love the clean lines of all those patterns. It's a hard choice, but I would have to say that since I'm originally from Alaska I have to go with the walrus.

  32. Anonymous says:

    I think that the elephant would be great to make but I think all the animals listed would be fun to make. Thanks for having another wonderful giveaway!! 🙂

  33. I have fallen in love with that little red crabby guy. My son would love to get a hold of him I think. Thanks and good luck to all who enter.

  34. Anonymous says:

    I'm tied between the crab and the moose =) I've never seen such a cute moose pattern in my life

  35. Todd F. says:

    Hands down…. Zork the Alien. Zork was an awsome game!

  36. Crystal says:

    I would LOVE to make the Crab and Alien (as well as all the other ones listed too) 😉 I am SO hoping to win this ~ I never seem to win anything!

  37. Jennifer says:

    That croc has also won my heart. Those little ridges make the difference between a green lizard and a fierce swamp creature!

  38. Jourdan says:

    I've had my eye on this book for a while now! I would love to make the orangatan, alpalca or kiwi! I love the animals that arent as common. c:

  39. Ariel says:

    The Moose! My youngest son was born in a town called Moose Jaw up here in Canada. []

  40. Anonymous says:

    Giraffe raquel robles de lujan

  41. I would love to make the orangutan – those guys are so gorgeous! I keep trying to design one myself, but I just can't get it right… Aside from that, ALL OF THEM!They all look so gorgeous and cute and cuddly and involve my favourite thing ever: crochet! I think my Google account should link to my email address, but just in case it's (I'm so excited I can barely contain myself. My husband thought I was having a fit or something while I was reading your book review!)

  42. Esther says:

    The giraffe looks so cuddly!

  43. sticks says:

    I would love the alligator and giraffe for my grandsons . Thinking of incorporating them into a blanket for each of them

  44. Jennifer says:

    Gecko! I <3 geckos :)

    coastingrichly on gmail

  45. Micah says:

    I would love to make the crab or the jellyfish. They are so creative and I think my boys would have a lot of fun with them!
    micah (at) micahmakes (d0t) com

  46. Thea says:

    Awh, the crocodile, the crocodile!! Glenn loves 'alligators' right now, and I would love to make him one of these!!! thea at doodledoo dot com

  47. BMidd says:

    I'm new to crochet, but I think the orangutan would be loads of fun. Not just the typical cute monkey you see so often. My son is loving all the little softies I am making for him and this book would greatly improve his collection!

  48. Mlazartic says:

    I would love to win this, my son is always asking me to crochet him different animals

  49. CuCuCreates says:

    I would love to try the croc!

    MikeCuCu at gmail dot com

  50. Deborah says:

    I'd love to crochet the alpaca, then the alien, then the rest of the animals in the book. They are lovely!

  51. Would love to crochet the giraffe. So cute!!

  52. Melissa says:

    Being a Canadian, I think I would like to make a Moose!

  53. Rebecca says:

    Oh I have to pick one eh?! It would be the moose to start then the alpaca and on and on. Very cool. I'm sure my son would make me make that crocodile first though. But really do they all have to be for him?~ Rebecca

  54. Sarah says:

    definitely a giraffe for my giraffe loving four year old – sarah

  55. Just one??? Are you sure??? Seriously my boys would want me to make one of everything!
    But if I have to pick just one but youngest is right into elephants atm.
    Thanks for the opportunity to win

  56. Hard to decide since they are all cute, but I think I love the crab the most.

  57. Cora says:

    Just one!?1!? Wow! I think it would be the elephant (or giraffe). I love elephants! My step-daughter is a fan of Giraffes, so I would crochet one for her. i also love the alien guy, too cute!


  58. Anonymous says:

    I would like to make the elephant.
    Nikki Baker

  59. Aleana says:

    I have been looking for a unique ami crab! I'm a cancer and want to make one to sit on my desk.

  60. Velody Dark says:

    I'd love to either do the alpaca or the giraffe but they are all so cute it's hard to choose.

  61. Traci says:

    Both of my boys have recently developed an obsession with penguins so I would love to crochet a penguin for each of them

  62. Lynette says:

    The alien is definitely my favourite! However, I would love to crochet ALL of them! 🙂

  63. Verena says:

    The moose, orangutan, and kiwi….or maybe the fish and walrus. Oh, I would probably make them all 🙂

  64. I would definately want to make the Alpaca!!!!

  65. I'd love to make the crocodile.

    lovelydomesticdiva (at) gmail (dot) com

  66. Yvonne says:

    I would love to make the owl!

    ywilliamson03 (at) gmail (dot) com

  67. Erinn says:

    I want to snuggle up with a jellyfish.

    erinncarl at gmail dot com

  68. Anonymous says:

    I would like to crochet the giraffe! It's really cute and we've kind of adopted giraffes as the symbol of compassionate communication because they have the largest heart of all land animals. I think their hearts weigh 26 lbs! My 2 year old and 4 year old would love a new lovey…especially if it reminds Mommy to be nice! 🙂

  69. Tita says:

    I'd love to make that fish! it's too cute :Dtitatj (at) gmail (dot) com

  70. Lily says:

    The Crab! Or Penguin! I'd probably end up making them all for my daughter and/or nephew!

  71. Catherine Hume says:

    I would love to crochet the moose!!! My boyfriend is called Rodolfo, so I have done a couple of stuffed reindeers for him… I don't think he is gonna say: “hey, that's a moose!!! Not a reindeer” so I think is perfect for my collection 🙂

  72. Mia says:

    From the book? The orangutang, so I could make my own DW Librarian! Animals all together? Maybe a armadillo that rolls up to a ball! That would be cool!

  73. Annie says:

    I would make the giraffe of course! I haven't found a giraffe pattern I like except the one from this book! (My nieces love giraffes) 🙂 annie@anniegurumi(dot)com

  74. Mo says:

    Ooh what a fantastic giveaway – thank you sooo very much. I would love to crochet the gorgeous fish, walrus, crab & jellyfish because my little boy who has an ASD just loves anything to do with the sea. Ok…he already has like a gazillion fish, but one more just makes the fishy family happier and the other creatures would just make his little face light up 😀
    Thank you again for the opportunity to win this wonderful book.
    Mo x

  75. Susan D says:

    I think I would like to make the alpaca just to celebrate the book, yarn and crochet 🙂

  76. What an awesome book… It has so much cuteness!!! I would love to make that cute girrafe!
    Jacklynhoward at hotmail dot com

  77. So cute! I would love to make the fish because not only am I a Pieces, but my 5 month old son just loves watching his gold fish and always reaches out to the tank to try and touch them – so it would be lovely to give him a fish he can hold, and of course, chomp on!

  78. tammyroney says:

    i would love to crochet a pug! i just think it would look so adorable with the cute lil “smashed” in face.

  79. Anonymous says:

    I would love to crochet that alien! I like goofy stuff, and I have a friend whose son would get a kick out of it. book-donna at cox dot net

  80. Nadine says:

    That moose looks adorable. I would love to make one of those.

  81. JuJu Zacc says:

    Kiwi – there is so many choice of yarn that I could use to crochet the kiwi.

  82. I LOVE LOVE LOOOOOVE elephants!!! I would make a family of them!!!!

  83. Casey Dixon says:

    oh my goodness!!! the panda, the panda, the panda!!! my ALL TIME favorite animal, I wish I could own one personally… but thats a whooole different story 🙂

  84. Becky says:

    that giraffe is wayyy cuter than any other pattern i've found! my friends son would love it 🙂


  85. Carol says:

    My nieces are obsessed with pigs, so yeah, I'll probably make that one first. The alien sure is cute too. I'd love to see the patterns in the book I bet they're awesome!

  86. Chris H says:

    Oh, I'm soooo a fan of the elephant! (Of course, after this sneak peek, I really want to make ALL of them!)


  87. Anonymous says:

    you inspire me – I just started crocheting last week and I am hooked 😉

    Thanks for encouraging creativity in all of us!

    Tiffany Cortright

  88. Rebecca says:

    I'd love this book because there's a PANDA!!
    and i've promised my 2 year old niece i'd make her a giraffe a pink one at that.

  89. Anonymous says:

    I would totally crochet the microbe/macrobe and send them to my friend who teaches Biology in Virginia. I crocheted her a beer coozie with a skull on it once but this would be *so* much better! Yay!


  90. Anonymous says:

    So cute and I love the texture of the back loop crochet. I can't decide if the moose, walrus or alien would be my first project.


  91. Jen says:

    My daughter would love the crocodile! Jeniferrobertson(at)msn(dot)com

  92. syd says:

    giraffes are my most favorite animal 😀 sydney.cole at gmail

  93. Lisa says:

    I would love to make a giraffe. A funny striped adorable giraffe!

    Thanks for the chance to win.

  94. Anonymous says:

    Id love to crochet the crab for my 3 yr old daughter….whos is always a crab!

  95. wmthornb says:

    My mom has a thing for Moose so I would make one of those. Thanks for the review of the book.

  96. Tanya Smith says:

    I think a giraffe or penguin would be fun. Actually, I would make them all! tgsdesigner(at)

  97. Anonymous says:

    I would have to narrow it down to either the moose (I have a friend who loves them) or the crab. I know sooner or later I would make them all LOL

  98. Anonymous says:

    Definitely the walrus…or the moose 🙂

  99. I love all the projects that I have seen you do! They are awesome. If I had my choice I would love to make the moose! Seeing as I am from Maine! lol

  100. Beverly says:

    What a cute crab! Definitely the crab.

  101. nina-chan says:

    Panda!! I would love to make a panda!
    This book looks amazing!

  102. Ohh!!! I love the giraffe! And the alpaca!! I want so bad!!!!
    nefariousknitwit@gmail dot com

  103. Texas On My Mind says:

    I love all of the animals, but I think the one I would crochet first is the crocodile and then the rest.

  104. Freya says:

    oooh! I would love to crochet the alien! it would look awesome beside the baby monster amigurumi I made from your tutorial 🙂

  105. Ganxetades says:

    I want to crochet an elephant but I need help, jeje.

  106. CJG says:

    I would love to crochet a giraffe! And, I'm teaching a group of middle school kids how to crochet, and I know that some of them would love this book just as much as I probably will!!

    Since I'm a last minute entry, I probably won't win (I had grades to figure out for progress reports), but I appreciate the chance, and the preview of the book!

    msgould_ams (at) hotmail (dot) com

  107. CupcakeCatie says:

    I would love to make the giraffe for my mother! 🙂

  108. Heather says:

    I would love to crochet the walrus. Goo goo g' joob.

  109. Sophie says:

    Omg a giraffe would be adorable!

  110. WJMOM says:

    Love, love, love to crochet the fish…I have a thing for goldfish and that one is beautiful!

  111. MyView says:

    I'd love to crochet the giraffe

  112. MSW Watkins says:

    Favorite is the crocodile! Kind of like the 'gators of Louisiana, my favorite state.

  113. Donna says:

    The orangutan for my little boy. His room is done in monkeys.

  114. jek091982 says:

    would love to make the penguin!

  115. Jennifer says:

    Humm…so many great ones to choose from…probably the moose first, for my son. 🙂

  116. Brenda Sinder says: I would love to make aliens for my kids and fun alien spotting friends. They all would just love them.

  117. grannyicu says:

    I just love them all. I am not pickey. I don't post much but your stuff is awesome

  118. Cat London says:

    I'd love to crochet a giraffe! I love giraffes and would really enjoy crocheting one for my wee baby. catlondon [at] gmail [dot] com

  119. The giraffe and alien are my favs! stchaffee at gmail dot com

  120. Carol J.U says:

    I would love to crochet the orangutan! They're just adorable animals and also because they're found in my country :)) I know my baby Soren would adore it 😀

  121. CJG says:

    I already posted earlier, but I just had to pop back on to say that I saw more photos from the book on another blog on the tour, and I absolutely LOVE the snail! If I could combine the snail with the crab to make a hermit crab, it'd be perfect…

  122. Andreita says:

    Hola! Me llamo Andrea y soy de Argentina. Me encantó el libro y aquí es muy difícil conseguirlo… Serías tan amable de mandarme el patrón del pez?


    Hello! My name is Andrea and I'm from Argentina. I loved the book and this is very difficult to do … Would you please send me the pattern of fish?
    Thank you!

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