
Amigurumi Patterns and Playthings

Doctor Who?

on September 7, 2012

I love taking custom orders. Let me rephrase that. I LOVE TAKING CUSTOM ORDERS. Making something from one of my patterns is fun, and of course its easier, but making something based on someone’s photo or someone’s big idea is really rewarding.
Several months ago I got a request to make a full set of Doctor Who amigurumi, including all eleven doctors and a Tardis. They are to be a Christmas present and I have been getting to work on them lately. I never knew what a huge following Doctor Who has! My best source of information has been from cosplay instructions. That is, very specific costuming instructions for Doctor Who doctors, down to the most minute details. I love this series of articles on BBC America, starting with How To Dress Like The First Doctor | Anglophenia | BBC America. Each Doctor has specific characteristics, which of course lend themselves perfectly to the type of amigurumi I like to do!

I made one so far and the next is in progress…

Gentlemen. First Doctor “Doctor Who” amigurumi

Doctor Who?! First Doctor “Doctor Who” amigurumi

I’m thinking I’ll go chronologically, so the Second Doctor will be next. If you just can’t wait to see the 10th and 11th Doctors (I know you!) it won’t be too long. Remember, these are due by Christmas!

If you’re thinking about putting in an order for Christmas or the Holidays, please get that in as soon as possible. I won’t be able to take all the requests I get so let me know as soon as you can. Thanks!

Make sure you’re keeping up with this and other projects over on my Facebook page, where I post lots of pictures and sneak peeks. Thanks for following!

7 responses to “Doctor Who?

  1. May-Day_Aura says:

    I love Doctor Who, so when I saw you post the pic of your "First Doctor" doll on Facebook, I squealed with delight. It's adorable! I can't wait to see more pics of the other Doctors and the Tardis. Good luck!

  2. Iesadora says:

    I'm a Doctor Who lover too and have been really looking forward to seeing them! Your first Doctor turned out great!!

  3. Thanks lesadora! 😀

  4. Thank you so much, May-Day_Aura! They are a lot of fun!!

  5. Doctor Who is awesome! I'm a 10 fan…can't wait to see them all….

  6. Alison says:

    SO looking forward to the each & every reveal 🙂 Thank you!

  7. Anonymous says:

    Will you be posting the patterns for these? I've been following on Facebook, and I'd *love* to make a set of these for my mom.

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