
Amigurumi Patterns and Playthings

Doctor Who Amigurumi

on October 7, 2012
If you follow me on Facebook or Twitter, you probably know I’ve been working on a huge custom set of dolls lately. It’s a set of twelve amigurumi (eleven doctors and a Tardis!) that a lucky Doctor Who fan is getting for Christmas. Do you watch the cult favorite sci-fi show Doctor Who? It has kind of a HUGE following here in the states and across the pond. Who knew? Ha.

I started with the First Doctor, then made the Second. I was waiting for some yarn I ordered to come in to make the Third, so I skipped to the current incarnation (Eleven). That yarn still hadn’t come in so I backtracked to the ever-popular and much-beloved Fourth Doctor, and just finished the Fifth a couple of days ago.

In case you missed them:

The First Doctor — William Hartnell “Doctor Who”

The First Doctor and the First Doctor amigurumi

The Second Doctor — Patrick Troughton “Doctor Who”

The Second Doctor and the Second Doctor amigurumi
The Fourth Doctor — Tom Baker “Doctor Who”

The Fourth Doctor and the Fourth Doctor amigurumi

The Fifth Doctor — Peter Davison “Doctor Who”

The Fifth Doctor and the Fifth Doctor amigurumi
The Eleventh Doctor — Matt Smith “Doctor Who”
The Eleventh Doctor and the Eleventh Doctor amigurumi
What do you think? Are you a Whovian too? Which Doctor is your favorite? 
Patterns will be made available in the near future! Remember to follow me on Facebook and Twitter for updates about new pattern releases! Must…finish…doctors….

10 responses to “Doctor Who Amigurumi

  1. Karen says:

    i LOOOOOVE doctor who! your work is so amazing! i've made a few of your other patterns, i cannot wait until you share your doctor patterns. you are just lovely, and so brilliant!

  2. Sarah says:

    ten is my favorite! will you be doing companions, too?

  3. Alison says:

    TOTAL Whovian here & I'm loving your Ami Doctors! My favorite is always switching between #'s 9 & 10 (guess it depends on which I'm watching at the moment). Favorite of YOUR Doctors? It's hard to pick. You've captured each of them so well, but I think it's #4. He's so ICONIC & what you've done with his hair, smile & scarf are just perfect.

  4. Awesome, Karen! Thanks very much šŸ˜€

  5. Everyone loves David Tennant šŸ™‚ No plans for companions right now…

  6. Thank you Alison! I like #4 too–that scarf was fun šŸ˜€

  7. Tanya says:

    best.things.ever. I especially like 5's hair.

  8. šŸ™‚ Thanks Tanya!

  9. Phyllis says:

    Totally awesome work! And I'm very excited that you'll be offering the patterns!

  10. Alison says:

    I've gotta agree with Tanya. You are doing great things with their hair. I think a hair style tutorial is in order, when you've finished with this monumental task, of course šŸ™‚

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