
Amigurumi Patterns and Playthings

CraftyisCool Mini Series!

In the interest of saving time, checking things off my to-do list, and branching out into “simpler” territory, I decided to design a new series of dolls, the CraftyisCool Minis! Don’t get me wrong. I really prefer making larger dolls like I’ve always done because of all the little details I can fit in. It’s not that they are even all that large, but they do have more parts and take a little more time than your average Amigurumi Monster.

It was about a week before the new season of Breaking Bad premiered and I had really wanted to make a set of Walter White and Jesse Pinkman to celebrate it. I didn’t think I’d have time to make the dolls, write the pattern, proofread the pattern, and then publish it before the show premiered. I decided to shrink my normal design into a cute little version, about 4″ tall.

Breaking Bad Amigurumi Minis

Little Walt and Jesse each have a hat, hazmat jumpsuit and tiny bag of crystal. I wrote a pattern to combine the two dolls, and really, they don’t take too long to make. The doll is mostly one piece from head to foot, with added arms. Lots of little details added make them recognizable, I think.

Where’s my gas mask?!

In his underwear, yo!

The blue stuff!

I was lucky enough that BoingBoing did a piece on the dolls and word got around. I’d love to hear from Bryan Cranston and/or Aaron Paul and send them their own sets! (So hey, anyone reading that can make that happen, yeah that would be awesome… πŸ˜‰ )

Not long after I made the Breaking Bad dolls, my husband and I went to see Wes Anderson’s Moonrise Kingdom. LOVED. I’ve always been a fan of Wes Anderson movies. A friend of mine and I used to ask potential dates if they liked the movie Rushmore. It was a gauge of how compatible we were with that person. If he said, “Love it!”, check! If he said “Never seen it!”, potential was still there. If he said, “I don’t get it!/Not funny!”, deal breaker! In hindsight I guess that was pretty shallow, but it was a pretty good test! My friend’s potential partner hadn’t ever seen it so we scheduled a “screening.” The whole time he just had this puzzled “huh?” look on his face. It didn’t work out between them.

During Moonrise Kingdom there is a scene where the two leads, Suzy and Sam, get married and walk in slow motion out of a little chapel. As they were walking I leaned over and told my husband (sorry for talking during the movie, Alamo!), “I have to make dolls of them!” The next day I made these little guys.

Moonrise Kingdom Amigurumi Minis

If you’ve seen the movie, you’ll recognize Suzy’s blue eyeshadow and portable record player and Sam’s coonskin cap and glasses. Suzy’s record player snaps open and the record is removable. Sam is wearing his late mother’s pearl and gold brooch and a felt raccoon Khaki Scout badge.

Sam and his badges

Suzy, record player and binoculars

 What I love about these Minis is the quick turnaround time, the fewer pieces to assemble, and their overall cute factor. It enables me to do something trendy and of-the-moment without investing a huge chunk of time (a few days from start to finish, pattern and all, versus up to two weeks for larger dolls and patterns). I’m not sure who will be next in this Mini-series. Any suggestions? I’d love to hear them!


My Latest Projects

Since my last post I’ve been pretty productive, so I wanted to show you some things I’ve been working on!
This is a photo-intense post, so get ready…

I made this doll of a birthday girl and her pet cat, including a little kitty hat her mom had made her! She had a little removable tie-front cardigan with tiny flowers on one lapel. Word is, she loved it!

I got an order for two pets for someone’s birthday. The first was a bulldog, who is ADORABLE, and the second I haven’t finished yet, a Boston Terrier. I got to deliver this one in person, a rare treat, and she loved him.

Next up, a doll I made for a well-known bartender that works at the hottest bar/live music venue here in Austin, the Mohawk. He’s got a famous beard and is into Jiu-Jitsu. I made one doll for the Mohawk, and two dolls in Jiu-Jitsu outfits for his twin daughters. I sewed his little Western shirt out of an old one I had. His t-shirt has a Mohawk logo iron-on. Nice beard, right??

Someone you might recognize, Questlove, or DJ Questo, of The Roots, also known as Jimmy Fallon’s house band. I loved making him. I made him a little hair pick out of glittery black Sculpey clay, drumsticks that I carved from a long wooden dowel, and little red hoodie. I was able to go to The Roots’ show at the Mohawk during SXSW and hand-deliver the doll to Questlove himself! He loved him and told me it was the most beautiful thing anyone had ever given him! I was thrilled. 

Last up is a project I actually did almost a year ago, but just got this picture! My husband wrote to the people at Rancho Obi-wan, Steve Sansweet’s mecca of Star Wars collectibles. He has the largest Star Wars collection in the world and has worked for Lucasfilm and written several books about Star Wars. He was kind enough to pose with my Salacious Crumb, which I sold in the Stitch Wars Strikes Back show last summer. Awesome, right?
I’ll post some more finished projects soon. I’m working on a really large order this week and then continuing work on my book. This summer I should be more able to take custom orders, my FAVORITE thing to do! Thanks for reading!

Why I crocheted a naked Matthew McConaughey doll…

This hilarious interview is brought to you by Citysearch and Austin Eavesdropper, with the help of my hook, yarn, and lots and LOTS of research on Matthew McConaughey via Google image search. Tough work. πŸ˜‰ Enjoy!

I hope you all know Austin’s favorite shirtless resident, Matthew McConaughey and his notorious bongo skills. Turns out he has a lot of questions about fun things to do in Austin for SXSW too. Check out that cute little crocheted bootie!

Say, man. You got another bongo? It’d be a lot cooler if you did.

All right, all right, all right!

Just keep livin. L-I-V-I-N.
Almost as cute as the crocheted one… πŸ˜‰

Leslie Hall is a Midwest Diva

Please send a representative. I’ve just made the world’s smallest gem sweater in the world. Seriously, it is small. And it has gems on it. And I made it. That’s why it says “Crafty is Cool”!

Leslie Hall in her Crafty is Cool gem sweater. It needs a name.

The real Leslie Hall (photo from

Leslie Hall in her signature gold lycra (photo from

I mean, have you even seen her amazingly fantastically hilarious “Craft Talk” video??

I can watch it over and over and over (as well as Tight Pants/Body Rolls) and it does not get old. Speaking of “Tight Pants/Body Rolls”, my kids also adore Leslie Hall. We’ve downloaded several of her songs onto their iPods and they know more of the words than I do.

Leslie Hall and DJ Lance Rock backstage at the Yo Gabba Gabba Live

When we went to see Yo Gabba Gabba and I brought all the amigurumi characters to DJ Lance, Leslie Hall asked when she was getting a Leslie Hall doll. Well, what a great idea! So, Ms. Leslie Hall, here she is!

The amazing Leslie Hall, amigurumi form.Β 
Keeper of the gems.

Leslie Hall and the LY’s are coming to Austin in March and I can’t wait! Will there be a photo of Leslie and little Leslie soon? I HOPE!

*If you’re wondering about a pattern for Leslie, I used several of my patterns together to create her, including Talk Show Host, Wonder Woman, and Pee-wee.



By now I’m sure you’ve all heard about Martha Stewart’s latest venture into the yarn world, right? Lion Brand Yarn has come out with a full line of Martha Stewart Crafts yarnΒ and a Knit and Weave Loom.
Because I’ve designed for Lion Brand in the past, when the new yarns were going to be released, I was fortunate to receive a sampling of the yarns to try out. I make dolls. It’s just what I do and what I think of first when I get a big box of yarn. When said yarn has the name “Martha Stewart” on it and the colors are reminiscent of Martha’s understated and sophisticated style, how could I not make a Martha Stewart doll? Then there was the glittery eyelash yarn, in the perfect color for making a chowchow, which just so happens to be the breed of one of Martha’s most famous pets, Genghis Khan.

Long story short, I made a Martha, wrote out a pattern, and shipped both off to Lion Brand. Little Martha made her way to the real Martha, who invited me to come out to New York and be on the show featuring projects and handmade gifts made from her new yarn.
Having never been to New York, I was thrilled! I visited surrounding areas when I was younger but had never ventured into the big city. My husband Paul and I booked a trip and we were on our way!
We left bright and early from Austin and the three hour flight was easy breezy. (I’m lying–it was raining a lot and really bumpy for at least an hour.)

We arrived at our hotel and got checked in, then took a walk around the corner to Times Square. It was surreal to be somewhere you’ve seen so many times on TV! It was so crowded! A little shopping and then some great Italian food at a little cafe on a side street, then more shopping!

Times Square!

Rockefeller Center!

Macy’s — and I could barely stand still for the picture!

We walked blocks and blocks just to see everything we could before it was time to head back to the hotel. I had an early morning and didn’t want bags under my eyes for Martha!
The next day we took a cab to the Martha studios. Arriving early, we grabbed a delicious hot bagel and a cup of New York’s finest coffee (that’s an exaggeration, but it wasn’t too bad) and ate our breakfast on the street. The misty morning air wasn’t kind to my ‘do, but when I got to the studio, I was sent to hair and makeup! I’ll give you a little insider secret, too. That doll didn’t talk until I got to the studio that morning! I’d made a recording on the little device but it just wasn’t clear enough for TV. When it said “It’s a good thing,” it was a little muffled sounding and had music playing in the background. Simple solution: get Martha to record it herself! So that’s just what happened! I sat in the dressing room and took little Martha’s head off, unraveled the neck and chest of the doll, inserted the new device, and crocheted it back up. It wasn’t until the VERY last minute that Martha’s head was on. Even during the rehearsals there was a headless doll on the table and little Martha’s head was at her feet.

Check out this action shot my husband took–poor little Martha’s head just waiting for a body!

The show went great! I thought Martha was so easy to talk to and so “human” in person. She’s an icon, but really in person she was friendly and personable. She complimented my AWESOME shoes (sorry but they ARE sweet shoes), asked me all about Austin, and told me she couldn’t wait to put the doll in her grand baby’s nursery. How sweet! We took some pictures together with the little Martha and Genghis. My husband and I got some cool gift bags and everyone was so accommodating and helpful backstage. I also got to meet Zontee Hou, who you probably saw co-hosting Lion Brand’s fashion show on Martha. You may have also heard her on Lion Brand’s podcast, Yarncraft! She was really cool and so great on TV.
After the show was over I could finally relax! I wasn’t so nervous about being on live TV, but more about finishing the doll in time for the broadcast and getting there in time, etc. Answering questions about what I LOVE to do? Piece of cake!

Check out this video of my appearance!

My next stop was the Lion Brand Yarn Studio! I was dying to see the store in person, and feel all the LB Collection yarns, and take pictures in front of the famous display windows! I also wanted to meet Jess, the twitter “face” of Lion Brand. If you follow Lion Brand on Twitter, you’ve heard from Jess before. The store was awesome! It was a quick subway ride from our hotel. (did I mention how much I LOVED the subway? I think if you live in New York or have always lived there you may take it for granted, but it was greatest thing! So cheap and fast and easy!) We were greeted by the most amazingly adorable window! Here’s me in front of the window. Could you just die??

Amazing knit and crochet window!

Martha yarn!

Inside was no less impressive: walls of beautiful, colorful, touchably soft yarny goodness. Jess was as nice as can be and even recommended a delicious cafe nearby for lunch (Cafe Medina–yum!).

More walking, more shopping, more subway riding, and we ended up in the West Village on Bleecker street for one of the city’s highest rated pizza places, another recommendation, this time from my genius agent, and my New York expert, Kate McKean. John’s Pizzeria was everything we were hoping to find in New York City Pizza. The place was what you could call a dive, with carved up tables and a HUGE menu of different pizza toppings. We chose pizza with black olives and sliced meatballs. I don’t think you could make a mistake with any order. It was amazing. The brick oven baked crust was crispy with burnt edges and hot melty cheese covered the savory sliced meatballs and sprinkling of black olives. The sauce was just right, really tomato-y and not too salty or sweet. Dang, I wish I had that pizza I couldn’t finish right now.

Beer and NY Pizza!

So more shopping, more subway riding, more walking, and we are back to the hotel.

Early morning up and at it again, looking for another great bagel! We went to Times Square Hot Bagel, where I was afraid to order a bagel toasted, so I got a cold bagel with the best cream cheese (strawberry) ever. I’d heard that some bagel places in NY just didn’t toast their bagels and you shouldn’t ask! Maybe that doesn’t apply everywhere. Oh well. It was good anyway, and we accompanied that with a hot cup of Starbucks coffee. It was raining, cold, and what else could have made this last morning in New York more perfect? Andrea Bocelli singing Christmas songs just inside the Good Morning America studio. We stood and listened, sipping our coffee and eating our bagels. Perfection.

Our own private Andrea Bocelli Christmas concert

Being our last day in New York, we scheduled a walking tour so we could make sure not to miss anything. This was the BEST THING. If you are going to New York, I would HIGHLY recommend Real New York Tours. Our tour guide was Trey, and we followed him all over Times Square, the Village, downtown and the Financial District, Soho, Chinatown (and its infamous tunnels!), Little Italy, and Central Park!

Central Park

We got to see and learn about things we wouldn’t have had a clue about if we hadn’t been on the tour. He told stories about different events that had happened in certain buildings, told us the history of the different neighborhoods we visited, and explained so much about New York culture. We stopped for lunch during the tour and had the best cannoli EVER at Pasticceria Rocco in the West Village. The tour was so much fun!

Shortly after the tour, it was time to head to the airport. It was rush hour and took a while to get to JFK, but we finally made it. By that time, Paul and I were exhausted! The flight back was going to be much longer, over four hours, because of a strong headwind, and the plane was delayed about an hour. It was nothing a couple of drinks at the airport bar couldn’t handle, so the wait wasn’t bad. Our flight was smooth and easy (another lie, but I digress…) and we finally got back to Texas.

I want to thank all the great people at the Martha Stewart show, Jess from Lion Brand, Kate, the people who made the cheesecake at Juniors, Trey from the tour, and my wonderful husband, Paul, for making this dream come true! I was on the Martha Stewart Show! Woohoo!


One off my (Charlie) Bucket List!

You all know by now that I’m obsessed with making dolls of famous people and then giving them to said famous people, right? That is the biggest thrill to me! Well, when I made characters from Willy Wonka I never really thought about giving those dolls to the real people from the movie, until this weekend!

There are some movies that I’ve watched since I was really little that I can pretty much recite line by line. The old Rankin-Bass “Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer“, “Pee-wee’s Big Adventure“, and “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory” are three that come to mind. Willy Wonka is just one of my favorite things. I’ve made amigurumi Oompa Loompas, a blueberry Violet Beauregarde, and most recently Willy Wonka for Inside Crochet magazine. The others are sketched out in my notebook but have yet to be realized in yarn (all of which I’ve already purchased)!

I heard about the Austin Comic-Con last Friday. When I googled it, the first thing I read was that the Wonka kids were going to be there, along with the guy that played Chewbacca, Peter Mayhew, and Jake Lloyd, who played little Anakin in Star Wars. I knew the whole family had to go!

On my way out the door, I grabbed a handful of business cards and the Oompa Loompa and Violet Beauregarde I had made. I was so sad I didn’t have a Charlie Bucket, Mike Teevee, and Veruca Salt!

As soon as we entered the Convention center, the first tables we walked past were the Wonka kids! We walked right up (why wasn’t there a line?!) and I told Paris Themmen (Mike) that I had brought gifts. I handed the dolls to him and he laughed out loud and thought they were really cute. In turn, he signed a picture for me and he and Peter Ostrum (Charlie) took a picture with my Oompa Loompa.

Julie Dawn Cole (Veruca) was at the next table. She was really interested in the dolls and told me she was a “ferocious knitter.” I told her she needed to learn to crochet too! She posed for photos and took a little video with the dolls. Ignore all my nervous giddy laughter and excitement!

Denise Nickerson (Violet) wasn’t there when we first got to the show so I went by later. She told me she just loved the dolls and had gotten so many compliments on them. I blabbed on and on about how we all love the movies so much and how I loved her in the Brady Bunch (she had a part as Pamela, the daughter of one of Mike’s work associates–I’ll get into my Brady Bunch obsession another time).

These were some of the sweetest people! All of them were so nice and answered all of my dumb questions, posed for pictures, and were so genuine. Hooray for spreading the Amigurumi Love!