
Amigurumi Patterns and Playthings

I’m Sew Nerdy!

You know I have this thing for Pee-wee, right? Pee-wee’s Big Adventure, Pee-wee’s Playhouse, Pee-wee on Broadway, Pee-wee toys, whatever, anything Pee-wee related and I’m all over it. And I’m not alone! For Christmas a couple of years ago, my husband bought a brand new unopened Pee-wee’s Playhouse Playset, along with a set of all the figures to go with it. My three little boys love Pee-wee, so it was an excuse to own something we’d both always wanted! It’s well-loved.


When Bear and Bird Gallery invited me to be in their show, Sew Nerdy, I knew I was going in a Pee-wee direction. Last year I was in their Stitch Wars Strikes Back show and made a huge Salacious Crumb. I loved that thing. This year I went big again, and made a life-size working Clocky! His clock functions (with one AA battery) and those numbers signify a very important person’s birthday! Yes, Pee-wee’s alter ego Paul Reubens will turn the big 6-0 this year.

Life-size working Clocky!

To go along with Clocky, I made a Pee-wee, a Miss Yvonne, and a tiny Pterri. Pee-wee and Miss Yvonne have magnets in their arms so they can hold hands. I just hope I made Miss Yvonne’s hair big enough to make her proud! Hopefully patterns will be coming for these two real soon. Make sure you’re a fan on Facebook to keep up.

Miss Yvonne, Pterri, and Pee-wee

Friends Forever

Pterri the Pterodactyl Amigurumi

The Sew Nerdy show will be from June 30th through August 11th in Lauderhill, Florida. All of the pieces will be for sale at the gallery and online.


We have Winners!

There was such a great response to my contest! I hope you all had a chance to go back and read the entries! There were some amazing stories and I’ll admit several of them made me cry!

Using’s Sequence Generator, the numbers chosen were 4 and 44! 
#4 was Wimzie Prints with this:
When my husband and I were dating I made him a handmade card. I didn’t think it was that big of a deal, since my family made handmade cards all the time. But when he opened it he started crying (wowsers!) He said nobody had ever made him a card before. Looking back I wonder if he did that just to make me fall in love with him even more. In any case, it worked! 
Boy is it difficult to pick just 1. Coming from a crafting family there have been so many handmade gifts given & received. What comes to mind right now is the hand made silver bead rosary my brother & his wife made & gave me for Christmas last year. They also made them for my mother & 2 sisters, as well. I think it comes to mind because my sister-in-law passed away this week. When we opened the boxes on Christmas eve she was glowing with anticipation & pride. Being Jewish, she didn’t use a rosary herself, but knew that my mother uses one everyday when she attends morning mass. It was a very beautiful & thoughtful gift.

If I’m chosen I think I’d love to make an Oompa-Loopma for my husband. C&tCF is his favorite movie of all time 🙂

BTW…I’m planning to make Chairy to go with the PeeWee doll I gave my nephew last year. Can’t wait to get to it 🙂

Thanks so much again for sharing your amazing talent with so many people!


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>Shop on my Blog!

>Quick post to let you all know you can now shop straight from my blog! There’s a new nifty bar up top with a link to shopping! There’s several things there now, and more to come! It’s powered by Ravelry, but you don’t have to sign up, just click right through! OK back to crocheting!


>CraftyisCool’s Big Adventure!


So this is how it went down. Big news around town is that Conan and Pee-wee were coming into town for SXSW (South by Southwest). My two favorite people, here at the same time! What are the chances?! As luck would have it, Stacy at The Knitting Nest also loves them, and she wanted to do a display for the store to welcome them to Austin. I took the dolls to the store and she displayed them in the window along with an adorable banner that read “Welcome to SXSW Coco and Peewee!” Then look, she snapped this picture and tweeted it to both Conan and Pee-wee!
Display window at The Knitting Nest with Conan and Pee-wee live on stage!
So after we both tweeted a few times inviting them down to the Knitting Nest, which I live really close to, Pee-wee’s people got in touch with our people and long story short, they didn’t have time to make it down Congress to the store, but invited us to Sunday night’s Comedy Death-Ray Radio with Scott Aukerman at Esther’s Follies downtown.
My husband and I raced downtown and got in the door quick since we were “on the list” :). I spotted two seats right in the front, to the right of the stage, but within 15 feet of where the great Paul Reubens would be sitting. It was already loaded with SXSW badgeholders, and within a few minutes the line of people waiting outside started to trickle in. Finally Paul Reubens and Scott Aukerman came on stage and we were in the greatest seats! Right by the stage, with Paul facing us the whole time! My little Pee-wee amigurumi was sitting in my lap the whole time, and I was really hoping there would be an opportunity to not just fling it on stage like some crazy person but to actually hand it to him politely and tell him he was my hero.
It was an amazing interview! Listen to the whole thing and you’ll hear some stuff you never knew, I’ll bet!
At the end, Scott thanked Paul for coming and they both stood up and the crowd did too. Lots of applause, and I stood closer and waved the doll around at him, hoping he wouldn’t just exit the stage without taking him. He looked at me and I shouted “Can I give this to you?” and he just beckoned me up on stage!
I walked up and gave him the doll, and he held it up for the crowd and told me he’d seen it so many times and loved it (he tweeted about it twice!) and then I asked him for a hug! Ha! I hugged PEE-WEE!!!
So lifelong dream fulfilled, I left the stage and my husband shouted back at him that our kids LOVE him, which they do, they really really do. (We have the whole Pee-wee’s Playhouse series on DVD and they want to watch it over and over, and for our oldest son’s first Christmas he got a talking Pee-wee. We’ve gone a little overboard since then, thanks to eBay and my husband’s collecting. We have the Playhouse playset and all the figures and they adore them!)
Here’s some more pictures of my absolutely amazing night! In the one where it looks like I’m trying to flash the audience (ha), he had asked me about what I had made for Conan (the doll) and I showed him and the audience the picture Conan had posted with the blimp I made him too!
Pee-wee takes the doll and a Knitting Nest Tshirt!
Pee-wee says “I’ve seen this like a trillion times! Never thought I’d have one of my own!”
Pee-wee tells the crowd how much the fan love means to him.
I show the crowd my Conan blimp shirt under some bright stage lights!

>Black Friday SALE! OR, Ode to Shopping….

Every year at Thanksgiving,
my mom and sisters wait.
We search the ads for bargains
and wake in a frenzied state.
The turkey dinner boxed up
in Rubbermaid containers galore
will feed our families so that
at 5 we’re out the door!

Toys R Us and Target
oh how we love your sales!
Starbucks is our first stop.
A gingerbread latte never fails
to make the sun rise earlier
and make us line up fast
for Legos, video games and nerf guns
that surely will not last!

So Crafty is Cool will celebrate
with a sale so fun for you.
Anyone that buys a pattern
can pick a free one too!

OK rhyming aside, I will be having a sale on Friday! If you make a purchase (one per customer or etsy account) you can choose any ONE pattern listed below for free! Don’t add it to your order, simply order the pattern or patterns or pattern set you want and then when you check out, note which free pattern you would like and it will be included with your paid-for patterns! Easy!

Brobee (Yo Gabba Gabba)

Oswald (Oswald)

Astro Boy

Max (Where the Wild Things Are)

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